

TEN DIGITAL NETWORK is committed to taking steps in preserving the confidentiality, integrity and availability of all confidential information for corporations.


TEN DIGITAL NETWORK security awareness training sessions include phishing simulations and best practices that significantly reduce risk and reputational damage.


TEN DIGITAL NETWORK Pen Testers identify where your digital strengths and weaknesses lie. Using the state of art Cybersecurity Operations Center to ensure your networks are monitored 24/7.


Build Your Security Posture To Avoid Data Breaches And Regulatory Actions

The landscape for attacks on personal data is changing. At TEN DIGITAL NETWORK we offer security services that help you meet your policy, regulatory, and business objectives. The rich set of controls and capabilities we offer is always expanding.


TEN DIGITAL NETWORK is a Lagos-based Cybersecurity organization with over 17 years of experience. At TEN DIGITAL NETWORK we utilize our expertise to help organizations build resilient controls on their networks and in their processes in order to maintain Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability. Cybersecurity Security Controls Services. These services are; Pentesting, Evidence Compliance Management, Remote Security Monitoring, and Risk Management Solutions. We work with governments and businesses to help you adhere to regulatory and statutory security compliance requirements. We establish strong engagements with our clients to ensure that we deliver to their expectations.

24/7 Security Operation Center (SOC)

TEN DIGITAL NETWORK Managed Security Operations Centre (SOC) services are here to help your organizations detect and respond to cyber threats 24/7/365. Our Managed security outsourced services are designed to help organizations of all sizes improve their ability to detect and respond to threats at a fraction of the price.


Our Pentesting Packages


SOC2 Pentest

Based on 1 static public address

Testing for possible data leakage points and vulnerabilities according to OWASP top 10

Prior to the SOC 2 compliance report, penetration testing can help to ensure that your company is doing everything it can to protect itself from cyberattacks. This is vital to your company’s overall security

Identifying exploitable vulnerabilities that expose data or allow unauthorized access to the Internet


External Pentest

Based on 1 static public address

Testing for possible data leakage points and vulnerabilities according to OWASP top 10

Additional days to discover and exploit more vulnerabilities

Scan of external facing assets with no internal information. Based on discussion, the customer may reveal more information about the internal network.

Identifying exploitable vulnerabilities that expose data or allow unauthorized access to the Internet

Additional costs will apply based on the number of Mobile and Web Applications to be tested


Internal Pentest (via vpn)+Wifi

Based on 5 internal IP addresses

Testing for possible data leakage points and vulnerabilities according to OWASP top 10

Testing of internal network with knowledge of the internal network infrastructure and assets.

Simulating a malicious insideror an attacker that hasgained access to an end-user system

Escalating privileges, installing custom-crafted malware or exfiltration of critical data

Wifi Testing

Additional costs will apply based on the number of Mobile and Web Applications to be tested


External+Internal (via vpn) +Wifi+Social Engineering

Based on 2 public and 10 internal IP addresses

Testing for possible data leakage points and vulnerabilities according to OWASP top 10

Combination of External and Internal attack vectors and techniques

Phishing simulation campaigns Social engineering tactics including email, phone calls, and social media drops

The client will provide a sample list of users and their email addresses for phishing campaigns

Assesses your organization’s external and internal systems to determine how an attacker could move laterally throughout your network

Wifi Testing

Additional costs will apply based on the number of Mobile and Web Applications to be tested